It is a simple but cruel fact of life that each
one of us must learn to accept - in our own particular way - ultimately each and every one of us alive today will die. This is an inescapable truth. There are no exceptions to this universal truth. None.
Yet another inescapable universal truth
is that in the life of each and every one of us - there are (and will inevitably be) tragedies, catastrophes and other
assorted personal ‘crises’ which can, may and often do ‘dispose' or 'incline’ us to contemplate suicide.
The most common of these (virtually guaranteed) life
changing 'crises' involves traumatic events. Usually these life changing crises are "loss" related.
These are almost always world-shattering,
life-changing focus-altering events such as the death (or loss) of a loved one or someone close. Sudden (or protracted) major upheaval at home, work or school. A personal family breakdown. Loss of role.
Relationship breakdown. Being the victim of abuse. Harassment, bullying or even traumatic injury or experience.
It is natural that experiencing
any of these events could result in us becoming seriously depressed and feeling suicidal. It is natural and nothing to be
ashamed of.
Depression and other “conditions”
can also strongly ‘incline’ us to suicide. Indeed, it should be noted that untreated depression
is acknowledged to be the main cause of suicide.
Given the shocking nature of some of the more traumatic world-shattering events which can strike right out
of the blue - the shock alone can be enough to ‘propel’ any one of us towards suicidal feelings and behaviour.
Others events which can ‘incline’ us to suicidal behaviour can
be gradual. Crisis events such as the effects of abuse or bullying, can accumulate and become stronger with each new ‘crisis’
event: ‘Empowering one’s suicidal inclination’. Making it’s realisation more likely. In a sense we
are becoming primed for what must inevitably follow suicidal thoughts and feelings – suicidal behaviour - the final
act of suicide itself. Usually, this requires a ‘final straw event’. But before we arrive at the final act itself -
there is one final phase. One penultimate act…