Overwhelmed by emotions?
Don’t want them…..then
don’t have them.. ……………..VENT them!
as loud as we can is highly recommended; but we do need to choose the time, and more importantly the place, to do this safely.
For example, screaming as loud as we can on an aircraft could cause a panic
and we might end-up under arrest – or worse. Screaming in churches is frowned upon and screaming in people’s faces
can quite easily get us a black eye. Screaming can cause avalanches and even stampedes. Please use screaming wisely.
The safest place for us to scream is (usually) in the home. Play some loud-ish music. Fill a washbasin
full of water. Take a deep breath, plunge head into the water and scream from the depths of our being. Scream and scream again
until we go giddy. But we must remember not to inhale under water.
If screaming under water doesn’t do the trick, we can try screaming into a pillow/cushion. If
screaming isn’t helping at all, then we can turn our attention to the pillow/cushion.
Bear with me on this one please.
Imagine it is the pillow/cushion’s fault that we are feeling as we are. Humour me please.
Concentrate. Imagine that whoever, or whatever is causing us to be experiencing these overwhelming emotions is
inside the pillow or cushion in front of us. The pillow is to blame for the way we are feeling.
We need to personalise it. Give it a name. Ideally the name of whoever (or whatever) it is that is causing
us to feel the way we do.
think of everything that we are presently going through, and what we’ve gone through. All of the pain, guilt, shame,
anxiety and suffering that we’ve ever had to endure. Every incident – and the cause of all of our pain
and misery is now right in our hands. Ideally we need to channel everything we hate and fear into the 'thing'
that we now have before us.
sounds stupid but it is not. If we can convince ourselves that the pillow/cushion is the 'physical' embodiment of everything
that has ever caused us pain. Everything that is causing us to want to kill or hurt ourselves. Everything that has ever hurt
us…. Every bad experience. Every cruelty. Every lie. Every unkindness. Every false accusation. Every act of betrayal.
Every pain that we have ever had to endure. Everything that makes us want to self-destruct. Everything which causes
us pain and distress have come together, and are here in front of us right now.
on this. Channel all of your pain and fear into its 'physical' representation and then (when bubbling with hate) take control.
It’s now payback time
It's Your turn now. Turn the music
up and swear, shout, scream, threaten and attack. Don’t hold back.
You've been bottling up for far too long. ATTACK. Remember every injury that You’ve ever had to endure
and batter the pillow for every one. Show no mercy. This is payback for every outrage You have ever had to endure. Beat the
pillow against the wall. Leap up and down upon it. Strangle it. Stamp on it. Pay it back for every pain that You’ve
ever had to bear. Then beat it again and again for making You feel as you do. Only stop when You are completely exhausted.
Then blame it for exhausting You and kick it again.
Alternatively. Run, walk, jog, swim, make love,
skip, dance, ride a bike, chase a chicken, climb a mountain. Climb two mountains even. Just exhaust yourself.
Back to you
Basically, by recalling and mustering all of our hurt and pain into ourselves
we become charged with negative energy. What we need is some form of a lightning conductor to earth all of this energy
before we turn it against ourselves.
By channelling all of this energy through our frenzied activity
into an inaminate object external to ourselves we are able to rid ourselves of that energy - just like a lightning conductor.
Venting in this way is physically and emotionally draining,
leaving us feeling both physically groggy, and emotionally spent. Rather like being in a post orgasmic state.
When we are experiencing this 'afterglow" feeling our venting process is not yet complete.
Now that we've got rid of the negativity, Let's replace it
with positivity.
This 'afterglow' period provides us with the ideal opportunity to positively-refocus
upon ourselves. In a sense, return to who we really are. But in a positive self-supportive way. Instead of being our own worst
enemies, we now need to be our own best friend.
Unlike the 'externalising' period preparing ourselves for venting, when
we concentrated on everything negative in our lives: Now we need to concentrate on anything or everything positive.
We need to replace whatever it was that was making us feel
bad, with something - anything - which makes us feel good. Beautiful memories, fantasies, dreams, inspirational
music, stories, films, jokes and poetry etc. Treat yourself to your favourite food, drink, activity, have a bath
or a shower. Pamper yourself.....You're safe
Indulge yourself - be happy and proud that you didn't self-injure. From
this moment promise yourself that whenever you begin to feel even the slightest stress - let the pillow
have it !!!