None of the above
Volumes have been written on the tell tale
signs of a suicidal crisis. Whilst this information is both valid and valuable it is not all embracing.
Like many things in life, one size does
not fit all.
All too often, (and for a wide variety of
reasons) a large percentage of us learn from a very early age to say nothing. To swallow the pain, embarrassment, hurt, irritation,
anger, frustration, (etc) and say nothing.
To stomach the pain and conceal it from
the outside world, we hide deep inside. Constantly bottling up a seething mass of emotions.
We adapt and learn coping strategies to
convince those around us that everything is fine, we live a lie. Without meaning to deceive, we become chameleons.
Often perceived as the life and soul of
the party. News of our suicides shakes those close to us. They would have done anything to have saved us – but we never
asked = we never learned how to.
Swallowing our pain, denying our feelings
and bottling up the pain is potentially very dangerous.
We need to learn to recognise and discuss
our emotions. It could save our lives.