The best way to help

What We Can Do To Help Someone
Among the great many things we can do to help someone who may be considering suicide, most involve simply talking and listening. Do not take on the role of therapist. Often times we just want someone to listen. Though this may be difficult, here are some approaches that have worked for others:

  • Express empathy and concern

Severe depression is usually accompanied by a self-absorbed, uncommunicative, withdrawn state of mind. When you try to help, you may be met by an individual's reluctance to discuss what he or she is feeling. At such times, it is important to acknowledge the reality of the pain and hopelessness he or she is experiencing. Resist the urge to function as a therapist, which can ultimately create more feelings of rejection for the person, who doesn't want to be "told what to do." Remain a supportive friend and encourage continued treatment.

  • Describe specific behaviors and events that trouble you.

If you can explain particular ways a persons’ behavior has changed, this may help to get communication started. Try to help him or her overcome feelings of guilt. Compounding the lack of interest in communication may be guilt or shame over having suicidal thoughts. If there has already been a suicide attempt, guilt over both the attempt and its failure can make the problem worse. It is important to reassure the individual that there is nothing shameful about what they are thinking and feeling. Keep stressing that thoughts of hopelessness, guilt, and even suicide are all symptoms of a treatable medical condition and reinforce the person’s good work in keeping with their treatment plan.

  • Work with professionals

Never promise confidentiality if you believe someone is very close to suicide. Keep the person’s doctor or therapist informed of any thoughts of suicide. If possible it is best to encourage the person to discuss it with doctors themselves, but you should be ready to confirm that those discussions have taken place. This may involve making an appointment to visit the doctor together or calling the doctor on your own. Be aware that a doctor will not be able to discuss the person’s condition with you. You should only call to inform the doctor of your concern.

Whenever possible you should get permission from the depressed person to call their doctor if you feel there is a problem. Otherwise it could be seen as "butting in" and may worsen their symptoms or cause added stress. Of course, if you believe there is a serious risk of immediate self-harm, call their doctor. You can work out any feelings of anger the person has towards you later.

  • Stress that the person's life is important to you and to others.

Many people find it awkward to put into words how another person's life is important for their own well-being. Emphasize in specific terms the ways in which the person's suicide would be devastating to you and others. Share personal stories or pictures of past events.

  • Be prepared for anger

The person may express anger and feel betrayal by your attempt to prevent their suicide or get them into treatment. Be strong. Realize that these reactions are caused by the illness and should pass once the person has received the proper treatment.

  • Always be supportive

A person who has thought about or attempted suicide will most likely have feelings of guilt and shame. Be supportive and assure the person that their actions were caused by an illness that can be treated. Offer your continued support to help them recover.

  • Take care of yourself

It is not uncommon for friends and family members to experience stress or symptoms of depression when dealing with a suicidal person. You can only help the person through their own treatment with encouragement and support. You cannot get better for them. Do not focus all of your energy on the one person, ask friends and family to join you in providing support and keep to your normal routine as much as possible. Pay attention to your own feelings and seek help if you need it.

Responding to an Emergency Situation
If someone is threatening to commit suicide; if someone has let you know they are close to acting on a suicidal impulse, or if you strongly believe he or she is close to a suicidal act, these steps can help you manage the crisis.

  • Take the person seriously. Stay calm, but don't under-react.
  • Involve other people. Don't try to handle the crisis alone or jeopardize your own health or safety. Call 911, if necessary. Contact the person's doctor, the police, a crisis intervention team, or others who are trained to help.
  • Express concern. Give concrete examples of what leads you to believe the person is close to suicide.
  • Listen attentively. Maintain eye contact. Use body language such as moving close to the person or holding his or her hand, if appropriate.
  • Ask direct questions. Find out if the person has a specific plan for suicide. Determine, if you can, what method of suicide is being considered.
  • Acknowledge the person's feelings. Be understanding, not judgmental or argumentative. Do not relieve the person of responsibility for his or her actions.
  • Offer reassurance. Stress that suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem, reminding the person that there is help and things will get better.
  • Don't promise confidentiality. You may need to speak to the person's doctor in order to protect the person from him or herself.
  • Make sure guns and old medications are not available.
  • If possible, don't leave the person alone until you are sure they are in the hands of competent professionals. If you have to leave, make sure another friend or family member can stay with the person until they can receive help.