What constitutes Parasuicide & Penacide?

According to the WIKIPAEDIA online encyclopedia...


Parasuicide refers to a suicidal gesture or a suicide attempt that does not result in death.


This is RIDICULOUS... 


A suicidal act that does not end in death (a completed suicide) is a failed suicide.


To say that a suicidal act that does not end in death (a completed suicide) is either a suicide attempt or a suicidal gesture really is ridiculous  - it can't be both!!!


There is a whole world of difference between these two actions.


A suicide attempt is a deliberate attempt to terminate oneself – to bring one's life to an end. The intention is to die...


A suicidal gesture is just that - a gesture that lacks the all-important intent to die and may be 'staged' to appear like a failed suicide attempt. In other words. suicidal gestures are acts of deliberate self-harm.


Having said that there is a whole world of difference between those of us who deliberately physically self-harm and those of us who die by suicide. Self harmers are not the same as those of us who die by suicide. Although sometimes both have the same end.


Nor are self-harmers the same as those whose continued existence is due to some unforeseen fluke, circumstance or accident which ruined a perfectly good suicide attempt.


The resulting confusion created by such ridiculously inconsistent definitions as parasuicide is making it virtually impossible to research this important field with any certainty of accuracy.


Such a 'blurring' of definitions can only contribute to the continuing absence of a reliable method of accurate assessment of actual intent to die.


This 'absence' is resulting in the misclassification of suicidal and non-suicidal acts. This misclassification is having tragic consequences. 


The concept of Parasuicide is causing deaths 


In contrast to PARASUICIDE there is another up-and-coming buzz-word at the moment = PENACIDE.


Pena comes from the Latin poena that is said to mean punishment or torment. Poena is said to form the root of the word pain.  


Cide needs no introduction. We find it in insecticide, homicide, genocide, patricide, matricde, infanticide, as well as suicide etc. It's meaning is obvious.


Penacide is said to be the killing of pain itself.


Penacide meaning the killing of pain, provides us with a very good definition of both suicidal and self-harming activities.


There is an argument that whilst suicide is the actual physical life-ending action. Penacide is the (DARE I SAY EMOTIONAL) cause.


Again, this same argument can applied to self-harm penacide can result in both suicide, and physical self-harm.


Unlike PARASUICIDE, the concept of PENACIDE makes sense.

Rail suicide is ‘bungled’


A SUICIDAL man hurled himself in front

of a 120-ton train yesterday – and survived

        The 39-year-old clambered out from

underneath the four-carriage-train with

just cuts and bruises.

        The driver had slammed on the brakes

as horrified rail workers raised the alarm

at Theobolds Grove station, Waltham Cross.


       Onlookers fearing the worst were stunned

to see the man emerge. An ambulance spokes-

man said: “He was very lucky”    Police were


THE SUN Saturday August 5, 2006